Plotting through the GUI feature request
by Logan Kelly
This email is inspired by "[Gretl-devel] more plotting news"
Two features that would be great to add to the GUI is the ability to change the size of the chart to accommodate a larger font size, and the ability to export the chart with customized attributes to a presentation software, e.g. power point.
6 years, 9 months
Accessing pdf manual via gretlcli
by Artur T.
Dear all,
from time to time I receive questions for some of my packages, and often
direct people to the manual of the package first. In case the manual is
written in the text format "help pckg-name" helps (even though I've
experienced that this doesn't work for all packages).
However, in case the manual is in pdf format this does not work. Is it
be possible to open the pdf automatically if one types "help cointARDL"
into gretlcli (take my own packg. as an example)? It seems that gretl
newbies are not always aware of how to access the help file... Maybe
this would make life easier.
6 years, 9 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] [Gretl-users] bug? with string substitution
by Sven Schreiber
[taking this to devel]
Am 18.12.2017 um 21:07 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
> On Mon, 18 Dec 2017, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> OK, very nice -- so how many packages are affected?
> I have no idea :D
> I could conjure up a script for (a) downloading a package (b) extracting
> the hansl code (c) sanitizing it and (d) repackage, but it'd be quite a
> job.
I don't think that would be necessary. And even not good, because that
way the package authors may miss the update and then continue working
with the old code.
So just to know how many potential problems there are, which could then
probably fixed ad hoc, would be enough for now.
6 years, 9 months
Problems (bugs?) with single-element lists (bundles involved)
by Sven Schreiber
here are some examples, failures at the bottom:
nulldata 20
bundle b = null
series s = normal()
series = s
print b
# 1. one series directly into list -- works
list L = s
list L print
# 2. one-element list to list in bundle -- works
list b.LL = L
eval nelem(b.LL)
eval varnames(b.LL)
# 3. one-element list from bundle into list -- works
list L2 = b.LL
list L2 print
# 4. one series from bundle into list
catch list L3 = # fails ("datatype not conformable")
# (and 'list L3 = null; L3 +=' doesn't work, either)
# workaround:
if $error
list L3 = genseries("ss",
list L3 print
# 5. one series into list within bundle
catch list b.LL = s # fails ("expected list")
# workaround:
if $error
list temp = s
list b.LL = temp
eval nelem(b.LL)
eval varnames(b.LL)
Failure in 4 looks awkward in light of the working 3, and failure 5
looks a plain bug to me. Right?
6 years, 10 months
Almost all translated webpages out of date
by Sven Schreiber
I've noticed that with the notable exception of the Portuguese variant
(/pt.html) and the external Polish site the translated corresponding
pages to are considerably out of date, as judged by the
fact that the latest gretl conference in June 2017 isn't mentioned. (The
conference was announced some months before it happened, so that's more
than half a year delay.)
Personally I'm lazy (at least in some respects) and therefore have never
even started a German translation of that page (nor of the user guide).
So I'm in no position to judge anybody. However, I'm not sure that it's
good that obsolete pages stay online, and I think an update once a year
or so can be expected if somebody commits himself to the translation.
Otherwise this might give a bad impression concerning the multilingual
and internationalization efforts of gretl.
6 years, 10 months
by Sven Schreiber
I just had this trivial syntax error, a missing quote (") character:
if inbundle(b, "PTmeth)
This was inside a function, and Gretl didn't seem to notice it when the
function was defined. (Running the script without actually calling the
function.) I wonder whether this is something that could be caught
already at that stage, because I seem to remember that gretl does
complain about unmatched parenthesis and stuff like that before
executing the code.
6 years, 10 months
gnuplot dash-types
by Allin Cottrell
In git and snapshots there's now a trial implementation of something
that was first requested some time ago, namely independent control
of line colors and line dash-types.
If you create a plot with lines in the GUI, right-click and select
"Edit", then go to the "Lines" tab, you'll see a drop-down selector
offering the 5 "gnuplot standard" lines (one solid and four dashed
and/or dotted patterns) for each line (up to six lines).
I haven't done a great deal of testing yet, so please bash on it and
see what happens.
6 years, 10 months
Line-number in output log upon error
by Schaff, Frederik
Hello everybody,
if it was possible to print the line-number of a faulty line in the output window (or even for any ">" output), that would be a great help in debugging longer scripts.
Kind regards,
6 years, 10 months
Building gretl on Windows
by Allin Cottrell
It has taken me a while to write this up, but there are now
instructions and relevant support files for building gretl from the
git source on MS Windows (using MSYS2 and Mingw64) -- see , in particular
I made available some "build on Windows" information several years
ago, but it was all very ad hoc and quite quickly subject to
bit-rot. Hopefully this time will be different since the Windows
build uses the same "autotools" approach as the Linux build, and I'm
now using that same approach when cross-building the gretl package
for Windows. So things should stay up to date.
In the current iteration of the doc I haven't attempted to describe
how to create a redistributable gretl package on Windows, but that's
now quite feasible and I plan to document it before too long. In the
meantime I describe making an "own use" build of gretl.
6 years, 10 months
delete matrix
by Artur Tarassow
Dear all,
is there a way to delete a matrix? The "delete" command does not work
for matrices (by the way also "rename" is not considered -- even though
I don't know whether this is a relevant case).
I am asking as I face a case where I would like to drop a huge matrix
"x" demanding a lot of RAM after exploiting its information content. The
only way I see to reduce its size is by running "matrix x = zeros(1,1)"...
6 years, 10 months