Variable names in summary statistics (and similar)
by Schaff, Frederik
Dear Gretl-Devs,
when "printing" summary statistics, correlation matrixes, etc., the usual limit of 31 characters for variables is not held. Instead, variables are truncated to 15 characters... In some cases making them indistinguishable. If it was possible to also use the limit of 31 chars here, that would be really nice.
Kind Regards
Frederik Schaff
Dr. Frederik Schaff
FernUniversität in Hagen
Department of Business and Economics
Chair of Economic Theory (Prof. A. Endres)
Universitätsstraße 11 (TGZ)
58097 Hagen
Voice: +49 (0) 2331 987-4454
E-mail: Frederik.Schaff(a)<>
7 years, 10 months