Mann-Kendall test
by Sven Schreiber
I've just read about the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test for a trend
(hence my recent postings about Kendall's tau and ties in a series).
It looked pretty easy, so I'm attaching an attempt at a basic
implementation. Full disclosure: I've used the description from (only
the basic version in section 1.1).
All you have to do is call "MannKendall(x)", where x is your series of
I'd be happy about feedback regarding cross-checks and correctness (for
example in the above document in equ. (4) the case S>0 wrongly appears
twice, and I had to make an educated guess where to switch the
signs...), whether it should become a function package and so on.
7 years, 8 months
another ternary woe
by Sven Schreiber
very short minimal script here:
matrix heyho = ("a" == "b") ? garbl[3,] : I(2)
There is no object "garbl", but that's by design in the case that the
condition isn't true. Gretl says "[" would be invalid here.
7 years, 9 months
new defbundle() function
by Allin Cottrell
Since we already have defarray() and deflist() -- the latter in
fairly recent git; see
it seemed like time to have a defbundle() function. It's now in git,
and documented in the online Function Reference. Saves you having to
declare a bundle as "null" then add one member at a time. Example:
bundle b = defbundle("x", 5, "mat", I(3), "str", "Some string")
The (zero or more) arguments have to come in pairs of (string) key
followed by an expression that evaluates to an object of a type that
can be included in a bundle. Type coercion is not supported; if you
want to do that you have to use the traditional method of adding an
object to a (pre-declared) bundle, as in
series b.s5 = 5
7 years, 9 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] Gretl-devel Digest, Vol 123, Issue 23
by Clive Nicholas
> I can't reproduce this error, but it may have something to do with the
> parallel build: perhaps our Makefiles are missing an explicit
> dependency ordering.
> Could you try doing:
> rm -f doc/commands/functex doc/commands/cmdtex
> then "make ; make pdfdocs" (without the -j flag).
> Allin
*That sorted it, and my copy of -gretl- 2017b-git is now running, with PDF
viewer successfully switched to xreader. *
*My TeXLive 2016 installation log (from one of Purdue's servers last week)
shows no package entry for -functex-, so that may have something to do it.
Or it may have been, as you suggest, missing some other dependency.*
*Either way, many grateful thanks for your quick help and for zoning in so
quickly on the issue.*
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Gretl-devel mailing list
> Gretl-devel(a)
> End of Gretl-devel Digest, Vol 123, Issue 23
> ********************************************
Clive Nicholas
"My colleagues in the social sciences talk a great deal about methodology.
I prefer to call it style." -- Freeman J. Dyson
7 years, 9 months
Functex fatal error at -make- stage
by Clive Nicholas
Linux Mint 18.1, TeXLive 2016, R 3.4.0,
I'm stumbling on a make error when building my install for gretl-:
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended
texlive-fonts-extra git # OK
git clone git:// gretl-git # OK
cd gretl-git # OK
sudo apt-get build-dep gretl # OK
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-quiet-build --enable-openmp
--enable-build-doc --disable-json # OK
make -j3 # OK in general, but functex error first appears here
make pdfdocs
** Error: no phrase with key = 'chap:criteria' found.'
./xsltrans: input file 'ftex.xml'; err = 0
./reflow: short input byte-count 536
Makefile:295: recipe for target 'functex' failed
make[3]: *** [functex] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/clive/gretl-git/doc/commands'
Makefile:230: recipe for target 'functex' failed
make[2]: *** [functex] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/clive/gretl-git/doc/tex'
Makefile:11: recipe for target 'tex' failed
make[1]: *** [tex] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/clive/gretl-git/doc'
Makefile:68: recipe for target 'pdfdocs' failed
make: *** [pdfdocs] Error 2
I ran the call to -make pdfdocs- x 3, but it won't budge. Never quite had
this problem before.
I installed -gretl- successfully on Linux Mint 18 "Sarah" with exactly the
same commands, but not now under "Serena". Not quite so serene for me,
Yours with thanks,
Clive Nicholas
Clive Nicholas
"My colleagues in the social sciences talk a great deal about methodology.
I prefer to call it style." -- Freeman J. Dyson
7 years, 9 months
re-reading of edited scripts with include
by Sven Schreiber
could it be (Apr 11th snapshot) that gretl isn't always
re-reading/re-loading functions from included scripts that have been edited?
I got a (correct) error message about 'N' being undefined, then I
inserted a definition for N (in the external function/script), but I
still get the same error message. I made sure to set my working
directory to the one where these scripts all live.
BTW, I also noticed that in this case gretl didn't spit out the nested
hierarchy of functions called before getting to the error, as it usually
(sometimes?) does.
7 years, 10 months
Height of some dialog windows
by Sven Schreiber
I've just noticed with the example of the ARIMA-specification dialog
that it doesn't fit on my laptop screen from top to bottom. (It's a
12-inch 16:10 ratio screen I think, at standard/native resolution.) And
there isn't any kind of scrollbar.
Any medium-term solution for this interface issue? (Perhaps also with
other windows.)
7 years, 10 months
bug with ternary statement and list
by Sven Schreiber
nulldata 10
series x = normal()
big = 1
list hey = big ? x : x y # works
list hey = big ? x : x y z # "UNDEF" error
This is with 2017a on Windows.
7 years, 10 months
manipulating empty matrices
by Sven Schreiber
not sure if at some earlier stage an error should be thrown:
matrix m1 = {}
eval m1' # gives "empty matrix"
eval mshape(m1, 2, 3) # gives "NULL matrix"
eval transp( mshape(m1, 2, 3) ) # gives syntax error
In particular, perhaps mshape() should be illegal on an empty matrix. Or
alternatively, perhaps it should be filled with NAs. Finally, a luxury
request would be to have a more specific error message in the final line.
7 years, 10 months
genseries() extension to lists?
by Sven Schreiber
first, many thanks for the new release with all the effort involved.
Next, great time for feature requests, hehe... I thought it would be
nice if genseries() could be overloaded to accept an array of strings
instead of a single string, and a list or matrix of corresponding
dimensions, to produce several series in one go, avoiding the need for a
(The return type then would be a vector of IDs I guess, instead of a
7 years, 10 months