$pd meaning in panels
by Sven Schreiber
as (correctly) explained in the docs, in a panel context $pd gives the
time-series length (=dimension).
But isn't that a misnomer, or is it just me who's confused? It would be
useful to get the standard periodicity information in panels as well.
(Provided it's properly set with setobs.) Think about quarterly or
monthly panels of macro data.
I guess it's a historical gretl thing, and if the issue is backward
compatibility, a new accessor like $ppd could serve that purpose. And
something like $pdims could return a 2-element vector with the current
cross-section and time dimension lengths. (The latter would be subject
to subsampling and could be complicated by the fact that some units
might be left out, so it wouldn't be always equal to
max($unit)-min($unit)+1. Do you want me to provide a prototype in hansl?)
6 years, 11 months
double Ramanathan
by Sven Schreiber
just noticed that in the example data browser window I get two identical
tabs with Ramanathan. This is a post-2018a snapshot.
6 years, 11 months