firstobs() and lastobs() revised
by Allin Cottrell
May be relevant for function writers (mostly). In git I've added an
second, optional boolean, argument to the functions firstobs() and
These functions return, respectively, the indices of the first and
last non-missing observations in a series. By default they scan the
entire data range regardless of sub-sampling; now if the optional
boolean is non-zero the scan is restricted to the current sample.
5 years, 8 months
by Marcin Błażejowski
when we estimate any ARIMA model via GUI and in windows with results we
chose "Graphs -> Fitted, actual plot -> Against Time" we get an arror:
"The statistics you reguested is not available". The same for normality
test, correlogram, periodogram...
Current GIT on Debian 64.
Marcin Błażejowski
5 years, 8 months
Testing help with tramolin.gfn package needed
by Sven Schreiber
Hi dear devel-ers,
this is a call to run a quick test on the contributed function package
tramolin.gfn, preferably on Windows 10. You can get the package in the
standard way from within gretl. The package requires to have the
external TRAMO program installed and to have the corresponding correct
path setting in gretl's preferences. Furthermore shell commands must be
allowed, also in gretl's settings.
Personally I'm getting errors that I didn't see on another system. I'm
not sure if my configuration on the new system is somehow wrong or
whether there is a deeper issue, possibly some incompatibility with
Windows 10 (of the package itself or of the Tramo program).
5 years, 9 months