error with typestr (in bundle, in function)
by Sven Schreiber
with the latest snapshot I have the following strange error (when trying
stuff with Artur's json transfers):
internal genr error: aux node mismatch
*** error within loop in function gbundle2json
> string typ = typestr(typeof(b[key]))
I couldn't prepare a minimal example, sorry, it seems subtle. But this
line happens inside a loop which changes 'key', and the loop is inside a
function receiving the bundle 'b' as an argument. It stumbles over the
bundle member "a", and the corresponding value is the string "heyho".
But -just found out- that the error goes away if I do b["@key"] instead.
5 years, 7 months
Default col argument for matrix creation functions
by Sven Schreiber
this is a feature request which I grabbed from an old thread:
"to make one-liners like "r = filter(p | zeros(rows(q)-1, 1), q)" more
economical -and other code as well-
wouldn't it be good if the column number argument of zeros() became
optional with a default of 1, such that zeros(rows(q)-1) would be
equivalent to zeros(rows(q)-1, 1)?
(And the same for: ones(), mnormal(), muniform(), and possibly also
That would often be very convenient I think.
Actually if there are no objections about the request maybe that's
something that might be relatively easy to implement, so I might try it
5 years, 8 months
Bug with saving files
by Marcin Błażejowski
let start fresh gretl, define "New data set" as whatever and try to save
as gdt: gretl crashes and gdb says: "/usr/local/bin/gretl_x11: symbol
lookup error: /usr/local/bin/gretl_x11: undefined symbol:
Marcin Błażejowski
5 years, 8 months
Add series through wildcard operator to list
by Artur Tarassow
Hi all,
using latest git on Ubuntu 19.04 results in an error. I am trying to add
series to the list "L" stored in bundle "b" using the wildcard operator
which does not work. See here:
set verbose off
open denmark.gdt -q
series FOO_1 = 1
series FOO_2 = 2
# Add series to a list using the wildcard operator
list L = null
# Make use of bundle elements (list)
function void somefun (bundle *b)
list b.L = null
end function
bundle b = null
b.L += FOO* # ERROR: "The symbol 'FOO' is undefined"
eval b.L
I don't get why this shouldn't work.
5 years, 8 months
CRASH: Passing bundle-lists to a bundle-list
by Artur Tarassow
the following sample script leads to a crash of gretl using the latest
git version under Ubuntu 19.04.
The terminal message is as follows:
<[1] 3306 segmentation fault (core dumped)>
Interestingly, the crash does not happen in case of <b.ALL += b.A>
that's when only a single list is passed to b.ALL.
set verbose off
open denmark.gdt -q
# Add series to a list using the wildcard operator
list ALL = null
list L = LRM LRY
ALL += L # Works
# Make use of bundle elements (list)
function void somefun (bundle *b)
list b.ALL = null
list b.A = null
list b.B = null
end function
bundle b = null
b.A += L # works
eval b.A
b.B += IBO
eval b.B
# Crash
b.ALL += b.A b.B # Crash in case at least 2 lists are passed!
eval b.ALL
5 years, 8 months
CRASH: 'fcast' after 'var'
by Artur Tarassow
Hi all,
using yesterday's git on linux 19.04, I get the following error when
running the example below:
<[1] 20632 segmentation fault (core dumped) gretl>
open denmark.gdt
list y = LRM
list xlist = LRY
var 7 y # you could also add
xlist; also for 2-d VAR(p)
fcast --out-of-sample # crashes
#fcast --dynamic --out-of-sample # also crashes
5 years, 8 months
gretl 2019c released
by Allin Cottrell
This release was accelerated by a rather nasty bug (which somehow
went unnoticed for quite a while), namely a crash on trying to
produce an out-of-sample forecast after estimating a VAR.
Those using a reasonably current snapshot will already have the
relevant fix in place.
5 years, 8 months
dbnomics error
by Sven Schreiber
I got this error when trying to fetch something from the Belgian central
bank via the dbnomics add-on:
Datentypen nicht passend bei Operation [datatypes not matched]
*** error within loop in function fix_dimensions_bundle
> b.value_label = dvl[key][value]
called by function process_series_bundle
*** error in function process_series_bundle, line 38
> fix_dimensions_bundle(json, &b)
called by function dbnomics_get_series
This is gretl 2019b and dbnomics add-on 0.33.
5 years, 8 months