Allow shell commands in gretl-git, linux server with out using the GUI
Does anyone know how to allow shell commands in Gretl-git built-based Linux server without using the GUI?
I'm using HANSL commands as backend services for a data-science project in a Debian-Linux server and it results to be that HANSL mixed with Bash-Shell Commands it can really do amazing things, I'm creating the project in a Supercomputer 504 teraflops. But when trying to configure the webserver based in shell-commands I can not allow the shell commands. In the documentation, explicitly says that for security reasons it can only be available using the GUI. But I was wondering if is it possible to allow the command by building the program in the ./configure command when installing in a Linux based server?
Kind regards
5 years, 4 months
towards packages with R in the background
by Sven Schreiber
at the conference we agreed that in the future contributed function
packages could use 'foreign' blocks that use R. (Just to be clear: the
big difference here is "contributed". A function package per se can
already use whatever is possible in hansl, for private use. But
currently it won't be accepted to the package server if it relies on a
foreign language.)
We also discussed that the package author must specify the version
requirement for R itself and then specify the needed R packages (along
with their own versions). I would like to propose a way to put this
information in the package's spec file, something like this:
First a list of needed ingredients:
R-packages = R glmnet
The idea is that first 'R' itself needs to be explicitly mentioned,
because it could be that no further R packages are needed. Also, it's
just one character :-)
Then the list of needed version requirements:
R-versions = 3.4.3 1.9-9
Obviously, the ordering here must match that in the 'R-packages' line.
As a refinement, several known-good versions might be specified in a
grouped item enclosed in curly braces:
R-versions = {3.4.3 3.4.4} 1.9-9
From what I understood of our discussion, gretl would not really check
the version requirements, but would use this information to print a
warning message at the 'include' stage.
Something like:
"This user-contributed gretl package requires a local R installation at
the path configured in gretl's preferences. (Needed version: 3.4.3, 3.4.4)
Required R packages: glmnet (version: 1.9-9)
The package will likely fail (with obscure error messages) if any of
those requirements are missing!"
Again, since gretl won't do any real checking, the needed changes do not
seem difficult, mainly a matter of documentation I guess.
Comments welcome.
5 years, 4 months
why "xterm -e R" in preferences?
by Sven S
I've just noticed that in gretl's preferences/configurations the command
to start R is specified as "xterm -e R". This is a self-compiled version
under Linux Mint, but I'm relatively sure that I didn't write that
command. Actually, on this system xterm isn't even installed. So is this
(Of course changing it is not a problem, that's not the question here.)
5 years, 6 months
latex required for building addons (even though no --enable-build-doc)
by Sven Schreiber
Hi again,
I'm noticing that I cannot build from git without having a Latex
installation, when I want to also build the addons. In other words, the
regular gretl build skips Latex and pdf creation when the configure
option --enable-build-doc is _not_ given, but using
--enable-build-addons fails without Latex.
Not a big deal of course, but on a Debian test system I had to pull in
texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-fonts-recommended,
texlive-latex-extra just because of that, which is easily 1GB in size.
5 years, 6 months
"%x" formatter in docs
by Marcin Błażejowski
I think that neither in PDF nor internal gretl's help the "%x" formatter
is not mentioned.
Marcin Błażejowski
5 years, 6 months
Memory useage by bundles
by Marcin Błażejowski
suppose we have two kx1 matrixes (bhat and bvar, in fact). I'd like to
ask what is more efficient (in terms of memory consumption): having in
bundle two separate matrixes or just one kx2?
Marcin Błażejowski
5 years, 6 months
MPI - sending data between nodes
by Marcin Błażejowski
I wonder if there are some options for sending/brodcasting arrays and/or
bundles over the MPI world?
Marcin Błażejowski
5 years, 6 months
git changes
by Allin Cottrell
A word to those using gretl git. The branch named "newcomplex" has now
been merged into master and removed. I recommend doing the following
in your gretl git directory:
git branch master
git fetch --all --prune
after which you can switch back to whatever other branch (other than
"newcomplex") that you were using previously.
5 years, 6 months
gretl trivia: 100 versions ahead
by Sven Schreiber
I thought the list of released gretl versions on the changelog page was
very long, and so I quickly counted them (extremely unproductive, I
know). Turns out the version after the next will be the 100th released
one, if I haven't messed up. Time to celebrate, probably in 2020!
5 years, 6 months
flatten() behavior
by Sven Schreiber
about the new 'flatten' function: For the case of string arrays I think
it would be good to have some choice about the separator. Currently a
newline (\n) is inserted after each string, which is reasonable.
However, there's an unused argument ('vcat') which could be used to
choose for example a blank (" ") instead. An alternative would be to
introduce another optional argument where the user could specify the
string for joining (or separating) the input strings.
This would be useful if the input array actually holds textual
representations of numbers, which can then be processed with sscanf.
Both alternatives would be backwards compatible, but flatten is so new
that that's not very important I guess.
5 years, 6 months