Gretl Online
by Diego Fernández
Is it possible tu run Gretl in an Online Version?
Diego Fernández
Magister en Economía
Docente Asistente Departamento Economía
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
4 years, 11 months
glitch with tab-separated files (not comma-separated)
by Sven Schreiber
I've noticed that the following example delimited-text file can't be
imported (probably the tabs aren't visible in email, but the second line
ends with a tab):
2015 3.2
2016 4.2
The same thing works with commas instead of tabs, so I think gretl in
principle tries to support such an import.
4 years, 11 months
Re: external editors (gtksourceview)
by Artur Tarassow
Am 10.01.20 um 09:38 schrieb Sven Schreiber:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering: wouldn't it be easy to get gretl syntax highlighting also
> in other GTK-related text editors, like Gedit? Since gretl uses the
> gtksourceview library/standard, could it even be as simple as to re-use
> the file gui/gretl.lang?
> If yes, would it be an idea to submit this definition file upstream to
> the GTK/Gnome people?
Hi all,
let me hijack that post for a related issue:
In summer we've spoken about an eventual new GUI for gretl. When playing
around with Julia a while ago I've used the atom text editor
( and the Juno IDE (
based on atom.
Atom is a open-source project pushed by facebook and offers a very
flexible 'state-of-the-art' editor which can be extended to become a
proper IDE. Juno, for instance, offers syntax highlighting, a plot pane,
integration with Julia's debugger, a console for running code etc.
As there are many templates out there on how to build such an IDE based
on atom for different software: Why not make use of that thing?
4 years, 11 months
MPI and OpenMP (and openblas?)
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, here's a question about what is really affected by setting the
number of threads used by OpenMP via an environment variable and/or via
the option to an MPI block (as explained in the gretl + MPI documentation).
My test script has an MPI block as its main part which calls a certain
worker function. Basically it's a VAR bootstrap, so making heavy use of
mnormal(), varsimul() and mols().
The MPI block is specified with --omp-threads=1. I thought that means
that no multithreading is done at the OpenMP level.
My blas is openblas and shows up with the option blas_parallel = "OpenMP".
However: When I run this script (on a Jan-11 Windows snapshot) with the
environment set to OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 it takes about 1/3 _less_ time than
with OMP_NUM_THREADS=4, on a 4-physical-cores CPU. This happens for any
variation of the numbers of parallel MPI processes.
OK, so given our recent discussion about the problems of openblas
multithreading, the ranking of the timings is maybe not so surprising
anymore. But: why does OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 have an additional effect over
--omp-threads=1 when everything happens inside the MPI block ?
I hope the problem was clearly explained.
4 years, 11 months
GRETL Compilation Problem in Linux Instance and bad documentation for compiling the program
I got the following error after the <make> command is introduced
root@debian2:/home/leoromero/gretl-git# make
build.h is current
make -C lib
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/leoromero/gretl-git/lib'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target '../lib/src/complex_def.h', needed by 'geneval.lo'. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/leoromero/gretl-git/lib'
Makefile:69: recipe for target 'lib' failed
make: *** [lib] Error 2
I have previously ran the following commands to make the compilation in an AWS instance
Installing TextLive
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:texlive-backports/ppa
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install texlive-full
# sudo apt-get upgrade
# sudo apt-get install -y gnuplot
# sudo apt-get install build-essential
# wget
# tar xvzf ImageMagick.tar.gz
# cd ImageMagick-7...(tab)
# ./configure
# make
# sudo make install
# sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
# magick -version (it says it is propertly installed)
C-Libraries preinstalled:
# sudo apt-get install gcc
# sudo apt-get install autoconf
# sudo apt-get install automake (It is different in Grtl Documentation)
# sudo apt-get install libtool
# sudo apt-get install flex1
# sudo apt-get install bison
# sudo apt-get install gcc-doc
# sudo apt-get install libc6-dev
# sudo apt-get install libc-dev
# sudo apt-get install gfortran
# sudo apt-get install gettext
# sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config (It is not in Gretl Documentation)
Dev Libraries pre installed
- GLIB sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
- GTK 3.0 sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
- PNG apt-get install libpng-dev
- XSLT apt-get install libxslt1-dev
- LAPACK apt-get install liblapack-dev
- FFTW apt-get install libfftw3-dev
- READLINE apt-get install libreadline-dev
- ZLIB apt-get install zlib1g-dev
- XML apt-get install libxml2-dev
- GMP apt-get install libgmp-dev
- CURL apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
- MPFR apt-get install libmpfr-dev
- JSON apt-get install libjson-glib-dev (not in Gretl documentation)
- GTK apt-get install gtksourceview-3.0 (not in Gretl documentation)
Git Program cloned from:
# git clone git:// gretl-git
Finally when I get the: "Now type 'make' to build gretl." I received the previously mentioned error above.
Please tell me what is wrong I have ran this process several times before, but in this version is not running properly. Kind Regards
4 years, 11 months
pca command dependency
by Artur Tarassow
Hi all,
I've compiled gretl using latest git version on an otherwise clean
ubuntu 19.10 system. Gretl works fine for most stuff I am doing there.
However, the "pca" command fails, and I guess there is some package
dependency which I am not fulfilling and which is not required for
compiling gretl.
/usr/local/lib/gretl-gtk2/ cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory
pca_from_cmatrix: get_function_address failed
Failed to load plugin: /usr/local/lib/gretl-gtk2/
Couldn't load plugin function
*** error in function pca_encode, line 27
> pca X --save-all
called by function test_pca_encode
Anybody does have some hint?
Thank you,
4 years, 11 months
by Sven Schreiber
I've only just now noticed the new (name of the) eiggen2 function. I'm
not so happy about the naming. Consider the coint2 function: Nowadays
the "2" is just an anachronism there and is confusing. The numbering
makes sense in the moment where it is introduced, but not for the
intended long future afterwards.
I can make suggestions if you like, but I'm mostly just bothered by the 2.
4 years, 11 months
external editors (gtksourceview)
by Sven Schreiber
I'm wondering: wouldn't it be easy to get gretl syntax highlighting also
in other GTK-related text editors, like Gedit? Since gretl uses the
gtksourceview library/standard, could it even be as simple as to re-use
the file gui/gretl.lang?
If yes, would it be an idea to submit this definition file upstream to
the GTK/Gnome people?
4 years, 11 months
Function packages quality measures
by Talha Yalta
Hi Everyone,
I have been silent for a while, although I do follow the developments. The
reason I am writing is the function packages.
About a month ago, I have been checking out a specific function package
(the name and its author is not important), and I saw that it was quite
buggy. Moreover, it was faulty method-wise as well !!! I decided to contact
the developer and explained the issues. The problems were acknowledged,
(some of them were already known) although there were no promises to fix
them soon. I has been a month and the errors are still there.
As you may know, the reliability of scientific software is a serious
matter, at least to some people and there is a whole literature devoted to
this. My recent experience shows that there is definitely room for
improvement here for gretl. A few things that immediately come to mind are:
1)- It would be useful for the main program to put some sort of disclaimer
about the packages; warning the user that these are not official, some of
them are seldomly updated (if at all), likely to be full of bugs and errors
2)- Setting up some sort of peer review process where packages are checked
and verified by a developer.
3)- A means to comment or rate packages can also be useful.
4)- Adding usage statistics maybe. These data can be censored by presenting
as rankings etc. This would also encourage writing better packages.
I know gretl has not many packages but still the emphasis should be placed
on quality, not quantity. It took more than two decades for gretl to build
its current reputation of high quality software. (I know what Allin went
through in the beginnings.) However, it is possible to lose this reputation
fairly quickly with a few bad extension packages.
Just my two cents.
A. Talha YALTA
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more
difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” -
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
4 years, 11 months
parallel execution of any function (that returns matrices)
by Sven S
Hi number crunchers,
here's a little hack that might even be useful, but before I turn it
into a function package I would be happy to hear comments.
From a user's point of view it's supposed to be a tool to run a
numerically heavy, long-running function in parallel on the CPU's
different cores with MPI, without knowing anything about MPI. (Well, it
has to be installed and ready to use...)
The limitation is that the function _must_ have a matrices array as the
return type. (But note that a single matrix can be wrapped in a
one-element array, and a single number is a 1x1 matrix; so basically all
functions with numerical results should be wrappable. In the future such
wrappers may even be auto-created, but don't hold your breath...)
Another limitation is that since the function can have any number of
arguments, specifying and handing them over to my tool involves
specifying a suitable bundle and a strings array, which may look a
little cumbersome.
I hope the attached test script clarifies the usage. As I said, comments
4 years, 11 months