defbundle parsing
by Sven S
the following line works, but shouldn't it fail due to the trailing comma?:
bundle b = defbundle("a",1 ,)
4 years, 2 months
clearing / unloading all user-defined functions?
by Sven Schreiber
I wonder if it could make sense to amend the 'clear' command with an
option that would also unload all user-defined functions from memory and
the active session?
Related question: Is there currently a way other than restarting gretl
to achieve that? (I know how to unload functions from a package manually.)
4 years, 2 months
$xtxinv available after restricted VECM or not?
by Sven Schreiber
the function reference says that after restricting the alphas in a VECM
you don't get $xtxinv, and I can see the reason why (I think).
However, this seems to work:
open denmark
vecm 4 1 LRM LRY IBO
a[1] = 0
b[1] = 1
end restrict --full
eval $coeff
eval $stderr
eval $xtxinv
Bug or feature?
4 years, 2 months
rename small "extra" dir in git?
by Sven Schreiber
would it be possible to rename the "extra" top-level directory in the
git repo? It's just a couple of KB and given the existence of
addons/extra I find it a little confusing. AFAICS it contains examples
how to interact with (lib)gretl at the C level, so perhaps it could be
named "APIexamples" or "interact" or something like that.
4 years, 3 months
Defining bundle by new syntax "_()"
by Artur Tarassow
I stumbled over the following behavior when trying to define a bundle
using the new syntax _() introduced with gretl 2020e:
scalar V1 = 0.5
scalar V2 = -0.2
bundle B = _(V1, V2) # works well
print B
bundle C = _(V1) # fails when only single item is added
bundle D = _(V2) # fails
Ok, the doc says "The second variant is designed for the case where you
wish to pack several pre-existing named objects into a bundle..."
Why is _() supposed to work only with "several pre-existing named objects"?
4 years, 3 months
off-by-one bug in $system.t1 (and .t2) after var
by Sven Schreiber
somehow I want to believe that we discussed this before, but I can't
find any reference to it and in any case I see the behavior in the
Nov-14th snapshot.
Consider this:
open denmark
var 2 LRM LRY --quiet # starts at 1974:3
eval $system.t1 # 2
eval obsnum(1974:3) # 3 (correct)
And the same with $system.t2. But note that this only happens after
'var', not after 'system'!
I've looked at the VAR_set_sample function in lib/src/var.c but saw no
obvious bug there - but also I don't even know whether at the C level
the v->t1 index is interpreted as 0-based or 1-based.
Some loosely related observations on C code chunks that I looked at
right now:
- We have this VAR_set_sample function and in lib/src/system.c there is
a system_adjust_t1t2 function which basically seems to have the same aim
(and internally calls list_adjust_sample from somewhere). Maybe some
consolidation in the medium term might be reasonable.
- In the equation_system_estimate function (also in lib/src/system.c)
there is this part (lines 1604-6):
if (err) {
goto system_bailout;
and then after another block there is (lines 1621...):
if (!err) {
sys->smpl_t1 = dset->t1;
sys->smpl_t2 = dset->t2;
if (!(sys->flags & SYSTEM_LIML1)) {
set_as_last_model(sys, GRETL_OBJ_SYS);
return err;
Now I'm not too familiar with goto in C (wasn't goto declared taboo in
the old days?) but to me this looks as if first err must be non-zero to
jump but then there's the opposite check for a zero err. So isn't the
whole goto thing superfluous here and in the end just err is returned
(if non-zero), or what am I missing?
4 years, 3 months
retire the ridge package?
by Sven Schreiber
now that the regls addon is shipped with gretl and also covers the ridge
estimator, I wonder (as a package author) what we should do with the
ridge.gfn (or is it zip?) package.
- AFAICS currently the main advantage of the package is that it runs
with older gretl versions. (I haven't checked explicitly but I guess
regls requires a very recent gretl version?) We could update its help
text with a sentence like "we recommend to use regls unless your gretl
version is older than xxxx", and then keep it around for a while.
- Is there anything else which is in ridge but is missing in regls?
4 years, 3 months
why non-square $system.C after var?
by Sven Schreiber
I'm noticing that the plain cholesky-based C matrix which is stored
after 'var' estimation in $system.C is not square. For example
estimating a 2-dim VAR with 2 lags I get a 4x2 matrix there; however the
bottom half is just zero, and the top is equal to cholesky($sigma) alright.
It seems to come from VAR_allocate_cholesky_matrix in lib/src/var.c,
where we have:
n = var->neqns * effective_order(var);
var->C = gretl_zero_matrix_new(n, var->neqns);
So the number of rows is indeed chosen as dim x lagorder which explains
my row number 4 above - but this doesn't make any sense, does it?
(Internally it doesn't seem to do any harm since the bottom is then not
used apparently. But it surfaces in the $system bundle as a weird thing.)
Maybe after release we could experiment with just dropping the lower
half and see if it still works...
4 years, 3 months
gretl 2020e released
by Allin Cottrell
Apologies to anyone receiving multiple copies of this message, but
the gretl 2020e release is now available at
It offers the following list of new features and fixes:
2020-11-21 version 2020e
- New function tdisagg() for temporal disaggregation
(distribution and interpolation)
- New addon package "regls": supports LASSO, Ridge regression
and Elastic net
- New function assert() for debugging purposes
- MPI: update documentation and support transfer of more
data types
- kdensity() function: generalize to allow as argument a
list or matrix with more than one column
- "dataset sortby": handle sorting by string-valued series
- OLS output: don't print out DW statistic when calculation of
Durbin's h fails
- Fix: when extracting a column of a "dated" matrix, copy
across the dates information
- Documentation: add material on forecasting for VARs and
other multi-equation systems
- Improve format of panel plot when there are many unnamed
- gretlcli and gretlmpi on MS Windows: accept unicode filenames
on the command line
- "midasreg" command: be more flexible in parsing arguments to
mds() terms
- Add to practice scripts: simulation using Klein model
- Implement the '^' operator (logical product) for string-
valued series
- xlsx data importer: handle correctly the case where a given
column is "partially" string-valued
- dbnomics data importer: handle absence of dimensions_labels
in some cases
- mpiscatter() function: revise rule for dividing matrices
for greater efficiency
- Fix bug: possibility of invalid XML when saving a model to
session file
- Fix bug: "smpl" command rejects the combination of "full"
and --quiet
- Fix: --single-yaxis option not respected by "gnuplot" and
"plot" when a band is specified
- Fix: GUI dialog for "join" was not working on Windows
- Fix: work around bug in Apple's LAPACK that could lead to
a crash when computing eigenvalues
- Fix: the Preview button in print dialogs was not working
in macOS build
- Fix: prune correctly the regressor list in the "perfect
prediction" case in RE probit
- Fix: incorrect $vcv matrix for bivariate probit models
- Fix: dbnomics import misaligning data of different
frequencies in certain cases
- Fix: $obsmajor and friends not working for daily data
with non-trading days omitted and dates given in the old
form of YYYY/MM/DD; also "dataset pad-daily" not working
with such old-style dates
- Fix: potential crash on closing a maximized window on
recent macOS (a GDK problem)
- MS Windows build: support printing scripts with syntax
- MS Windows build (64-bit): update pixman, cairo and pango
libraries (DLLs)
- MS Windows build: update libeay.dll so as to prevent
crashes on certain CPUs
- MS Windows: give up on trying to write downloaded PDFs
and function packages to "system" location -- go straight
to the user's filespace
- Update packaged fedstl database
- Update several translations
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
4 years, 3 months