"set plot_collection" doc
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
I realised that one of the new features was not documented in the xml
file, so I added a paragraph. If someone could take a look to what's in
git, that'd be great.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
3 years, 4 months
MPI and echo for --send-data
by Sven Schreiber
when using the --send-data option for an MPI block, it seems that each
of the MPI processes prints out a data-loading message (presumably using
"open" internally). For example, I'm getting stuff like this with an
mpisize of 4:
gretlmpi 2021c-git
Aktuelle Sitzung: 2021-08-17 15:42
Lese Datendatei C:\Users\<...>\AppData\Roaming\gretl\mpi-data.gdt
Lese Datendatei C:\Users\<...>\AppData\Roaming\gretl\mpi-data.gdt
Lese Datendatei C:\Users\<...>\AppData\Roaming\gretl\mpi-data.gdt
Lese Datendatei C:\Users\<...>\AppData\Roaming\gretl\mpi-data.gdt
It would be nice if this were somehow configurable, perhaps with a quiet
or silent switch or something like that. Not necessarily right now, but
before I upgrade to an 8-core machine and the redundant output gets
really long ;-)
3 years, 4 months
'msplitby' quirks
by Sven Schreiber
working with flatten() and msplitby(), I'm noticing the following:
- By default, flatten() works horizontally, but msplitby() vertically
(rows). Ok it's too late to change any defaults, but actually msplitby()
currently doesn't do horizontally at all. (Yes, I know I can transpose
and re-transpose, but that's exactly what I call a "quirk".) Maybe an
optional arg could be added there as well, like flatten() has?
- For some easy operations, msplitby() is quite complicated. For
example, if I have 2000 rows and want to turn that into 1000 matrices
with 2 rows each, then AFAIK I have to define the assignment vector as
follows: seq(1,1000)' ** ones(2). (Please correct me if there's a simple
way I'm missing.) Instead I think for such even splits it should be as
straightforward as writing: msplitby(m, 2). Maybe such a scalar argument
could be allowed in non-ambiguous cases?
3 years, 4 months
translation questions
by Sven Schreiber
I'm updating the German translation for the upcoming release, prompting
some questions.
(BTW, are all translators on this devel list?)
- "Feature border width:" Not sure what "feature" is in this context,
although I understand that it's about geoplot.
- "Folds:" (in the regls cross validation context I believe) I know what
it is, but I'm looking for a good translation, if anybody has an idea.
(Hints about other languages may also be helpful.) The German wikipedia
entry for cross validation didn't give me a clue.
[More background, if you care about it: On the web I've sometimes read
"Falte(n)", which I believe is a wrong substantivization of the verb
"falten" (= to fold) -- because "Falte" actually means "wrinkle". For
now I put in the different substantivization "Faltung(en)"; ISI suggest
that for "folding"
(https://www.isi-web.org/isi.cbs.nl/glossary/term1286.htm), but it
doesn't have "fold(s". Another alternative might be the literal
translation of "sample parts".]
so much for now, maybe more questions down the road
3 years, 4 months
make it easier to specify panel dimensions for a new dataset in the GUI
by Sven Schreiber
when creating a new panel dataset from the GUI, gretl wants to know N*T
first. Actually, for something like N = 827 and T = 48 this isn't so
easy to tell, need to grab pencil and paper or a calculator first.
Wouldn't it be possible if gretl asked separately for N and T? The
default settings in the dialog could be 1 for both, and leaving one of
them at 1 would obviously yield a cross section or a time series. The
new dialog could also contain hints like "leave at 1 for time series" or
something like that.
3 years, 4 months
string vs. strings (array) type issues (and bundles)
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, I'm tripping over subtleties of 1-element arrays, combined with bundles.
First, indexing into a strings array appears to return a string type
instead of a 1-element array. (For example: eval defarray("A","B")[2]
gives the string "B".) I guess that's intended, OK.
Secondly, however, if I want to stuff such a single string into a bundle
as an array, I get an error:
bundle b = null
strings b.S = "A" # error: expected strings, got string
Note that doing this without the bundle works fine, as expected:
strings aS = "A"
print aS # gives 1-element strings array
Haven't checked whether other arrays (matrices...) have the same problem.
3 years, 4 months
bug with errorif and MPI
by Sven Schreiber
with a fairly recent snapshot (July) I'm noticing that an MPI block is
failing if I replace a "funcerr" command line (and if-block) with an
equivalent errorif() call.
The obvious workaround is to stick with the funcerr command, but I guess
at some point the more recent syntax should also work with MPI. BTW, I
am aware that issuing funcerr inside MPI is also kind of dubious,
because in my experience the error message usually doesn't make it
through to the world of the caller, but well, that's a different thing.
err = 0
# errorif( $mpirank == 0 && err, "just checking") # fails
if $mpirank == 0 && err # works
funcerr "just checking"
end mpi --np=2
3 years, 4 months