small doc issue: genr markers
by Sven Schreiber
some months ago I edited the "genr" chapter 10 of the user guide, and in
the introduction 10.1 the goal was to describe all cases where using the
keyword "genr" was actually required. I think at the time nobody noticed
that the special construct "genr markers" was omitted. (It is explained
somewhere else buried in the guide.)
Is that still true, I mean is "genr markers" still necessary for what it
does, or is there another equivalent syntax?
2 years, 10 months
side-by-side time series to panel: stack and the GUI
by Sven Schreiber
I just had to use the solution from section 4.5 of the user guide
("Panel data specifics") which explains how to convert a time-series
dataset holding the same conceptual variable for different units (e.g.,
countries) into a panel dataset with a single variable ("Side-by-side
time series", on my A4 version on page 23). So that paragraph is very
Two comments or questions on this:
1) I think it's a quite frequent use case. So would it be possible to
enable this dataset twist in the GUI under the Data menu somehow? Should
I file a feature request?
2) While I was applying the hansl code given in the paragraph, I noticed
that as an interim effect of the stack() function the dataset --which
was still nominally a time-series thing-- got extended with (N-1)*T time
series observations to accommodate the stacked variable. I understand
why that is, but obviously at that point the state of the dataset is
wrong, so I wonder if this could be somehow avoided. For example by
packaging the algorithm for the user such that the interim stage isn't
really made public?
2 years, 12 months
Building and installing addons
by Johannes Lips
Hi all,
when trying to replicate the issue Sven faced in another thread. I came
across the issue that currently the shipped addons are not built and
installed in fedora.
I am using the gretl spec file, which can be found at [1].
I tried adding
%configure --disable-static \
--disable-avx \
--with-mpi \
--with-dbnomics \
--with-extra \
--with-geoplot \
--with-gig \
--with-ivpanel \
the addons to the configure command, but no luck. Could you please tell
me how to build and install these addons?
3 years
Translators: Get ready for new release
by Sven Schreiber
Hi to all translators out there,
it would be great if you could update your translations (.po files) in
time for the next gretl release at the end of the month. Admittedly this
is only four days away, and so this message might have come a bit
earlier. Nevertheless, if you could manage to catch up this coming
weekend, that would be great. As always, the number of newly added
strings shouldn't be overwhelming (but right now I don't have a concrete
number for you, sorry). I myself also still have to complete the German
Thanks for your ongoing contributions
3 years
new deseas() options bundle: should be checked?
by Sven Schreiber
I think the options bundle that can be passed to deseas() now isn't
checked for sanity. Maybe we can use the internal C-equivalent of the
bcheck() function to warn about misspellings or something like that. (I
used the interim code 'outlier_correction' instead of 'outliers', and
the old option name was simply ignored I think.)
3 years
swallowed-console feature not in changelog
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, just noticed that the fairly big new feature of the "swallowed"
console (being in one joint window with the main window) isn't in the
changelog on the web. Did we ever announce it or make it known? What was
the first version to have it? 2021d?
3 years, 1 month
weird problem with smpl --replace --restrict
by Sven Schreiber
I have a situation here where the "smpl ... --replace --restrict"
construct isn't working like (I, at least) expected. Sorry, I can't give
a minimal working example yet. The context is a panel dataset and we're
inside a hansl function where the series y was passed as an argument,
but series 'unit' was created locally inside the function from the $unit
accessor. 'donor' and 'target_group' are valid integers that are
actually present in the 'unit' series (I checked).
smpl unit == donor --restrict
matrix mydonor = {y} # no problem here, works
smpl --full # should be redundant, but isn't -- perhaps a gretl bug?
smpl unit == target_group --replace --restrict
When I leave out the "smpl --full" line, I get an error message at the
last quoted line saying "no observations would be left".
Somehow it feels as if the "--replace" option here isn't honored.
Because then the error message would make sense; since 'target_group' is
a different unit than 'donor', putting the second restriction on top of
the first would leave an empty set. Again, inserting the smpl --full
line solves this, but it shouldn't be necessary, should it?
This is with the latest snapshot.
3 years, 1 month
dbnomics: Dataset duplication in window lists
by Sven Schreiber
I'm looking at the Bundesbank (BUBA) datasets through gretl's DB.NOMICS
addon. (Snapshot from two weeks ago.)
I'm noticing that some datasets are apparently duplicated or even
- BBK01: appears 4 times
- BBNZ1 (National Accounts...): appears twice
Is this expected?
3 years, 1 month