glitch with switching decimal separator
by Sven Schreiber
with a snapshot from March 11th, it seems that when (running in German
which natively would have a decimal comma) I switch off the comma in the
settings, it works, but when I try to switch it back _on_, then the
decimal point stays. Only a gretl restart corrects the issue. (Actually
I seem to remember that a restart was always required in the past, but
I'm not getting that alert message here.)
I'm talking about small scripts in the script editor which print out
decimal numbers.
1 year, 11 months
GMM for a system (_not_ in the panel context)
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, has anyone ever tried to use gretl's gmm ... end gmm block to
estimate a "classical" multiple-equation system? I'm not talking of
dynamic panels, but a traditional simultaneous equation system. AFAIK
the built-in offerings for a "system" stop at 3SLS and FIML.
1 year, 11 months
'print' mixture with series
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, not sure if the following should work:
open denmark
series se
string s
print se s # error
The cause seems to be mixing a series with another type in the print
command. (Even though the error msg somewhat misleadingly complains
about the string type.)
1 year, 11 months
please unsubscrime me
by Dr.Leonardo- Romero
Dr. Leonardo Suárez Romero.
*Consultor en Finanzas. *
Cel: 3333687873
Este correo y cualquiera de sus archivos adjuntos pueden contener
información privilegiada y confidencial. Si Ud. no es el destinatario
previsto, por favor notifique inmediatamente al remitente; borre este
correo y destruya cualquier copia en su poder. Cualquier uso o divulgación
de esta información por una persona distinta al destinatario previsto queda
prohibida y puede considerarse ilegal. Protección de datos personales.- La
persona física con actividad empresarial, Leonardo Suárez Romero con número
de cédula profesional G2010509 expedida por la Comisión Nacional de Seguros
y Fianzas, con domicilio ubicado en Av. De Los Pinos 480, Colonia Rinconada
de Santa Rita, C.P. 45120 en Zapopan Jalisco, le informa que los datos
personales de personas físicas o morales que reciba en calidad de encargado
para el tratamiento de los mismos, serán únicamente utilizados para
promover los servicios de intermediación técnica y financiera ante las
aseguradoras del mercado asegurador Mexicano, así como la administración de
pólizas, gestión administrativa, servicios de cobranza , ayuda en la
determinación de siniestros amparados por la intermediación de nuestros
contratos, tal como lo establece la ley. Para mayor información acerca del
tratamiento y de sus derechos, usted puede solicitar en el domicilio
indicado, en el correo electrónico leonardosuarezromero(a) y en la
página de Internet, el aviso de privacidad completo o comunicarse al
teléfono (33) 33 68 78 73.
1 year, 11 months
Optional arguments (in user-defined hansl functions) and nested function calls
by Sven Schreiber
looking at some new hansl code I'm reminded again that we have a
fundamental problem for (mildly) advanced programming, I'm afraid. An
example is probably the best way to show what I mean:
function void level2 (string s2)
eval exists(s) ? s : "nothing"
end function
function void level1 (string s1[null])
if !exists(s1)
string s1 = null # this second null-setting is necessary
end function
What's the problem here: In the level1 function the arg s1 gets a
default 'null' value, but this kind of null value cannot be passed on to
another function. (Gretl complains if you comment out the if-block.)
Note that this is true even though the level2 function properly handles
the possibility that its arg s2 might be 'null' (== might not exist) !
Instead a hansl programmer is forced to check for the null value of s1,
and then --a little absurdly-- the programmer must set it to 'null' yet
again. This feels quite stupid, to be honest. (No offense intended, of
course!) And it also wastes lines of code, making everything harder to read.
Wouldn't it be possible that for every function argument --I know,
except for the list type with its special role-- that has a null value
from the outer scope, this null value is automatically "copied" to the
function's inner scope? Basically that gretl automatically executes the
equivalent of the if-block above? I think this would make it much easier
/ more elegant to write real-world hansl code with nested function calls.
1 year, 11 months
search in packages' descriptive labels
by Sven Schreiber
it would be useful if - in the package listing window - using the search
text box would not only search the names of the packages (as it seems to
be doing), but also in the descriptive strings. We may have much less
packages than R, but we have enough that doing the eyeball scan is not a
good alternative.
OK, I acknowledge that one could also search on the web page
but by that rationale we wouldn't need any built-in search facility.
1 year, 11 months
LIML glitch
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Hi all,
I just tried running tsls with the --liml option on a just-identified
equation. As is well-known, this should return the same results as
ordinary 2sls. For some reason, I'm getting an error: I suspect this is
linked to the fact that there's no constant term in the model. I don't
have time to debug this myself today, but maybe somebody else can.
Here's s simple script exposing the problem:
nulldata 100
series w = uniform()
series x = normal()
series y = normal()
tsls y const x ; const w
tsls y const x ; const w --liml # this works
tsls y x ; w
tsls y x ; w --liml # this doesn't
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
1 year, 11 months
ERROR: aggregate() w. user-defined functions
by Artur T.
Hi all,
I obtain an error with the aggregate() function when calling a
user-defined function for aggregation.
The following example works fine, if one groups the data by a single
variable but it fails with a second group-by variable:
set verbose off
open grunfeld -q
function scalar quantile_range (series y)
/* Compute the interquartile range. */
scalar ret = quantile(y, 0.75) - quantile(y, 0.25)
print ret
return ret
end function
# Works
list groupby = firmname
list L = invest value
matrix agg = aggregate(L, groupby, quantile_range)
print agg
# Fails
list groupby = firmname ticker # we add "ticker"
list L = invest value
matrix agg = aggregate(L, groupby, quantile_range)
print agg
The error I get with current git-version using Ubuntu, is:
Data error
*** error in function quantile_range, line 3
> scalar ret = quantile(y, 0.75) - quantile(y, 0.25)
1 year, 11 months
Win7 64bit, gretl 32bit and MS-MPI 10
by Marcin Błażejowski
I need to run some test on Windows, so I have configuration like in
subject: Win7 Pro 64bit + gretl 2023b-git 32bit + MS-MPI 10. When
calling simple script:
eval $mpirank
end mpi
I'm getting error message that "there is no exit from MPI_Abort8@
procedure". In gretl output I have: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
MPI\Bin\mpiexec.exe" /np 4 "C:\Program Files (x86)\gretl\gretlmpi"
"C:\Users\Admin2\AppData\Roaming\gretl\gretltmp-mpi.inp": exit code
Is this related with the fact that gretl is 32 bit while Windows 64 bit?
Marcin Błażejowski
1 year, 11 months
alias for "scatters" in time series?
by Sven Schreiber
the "scatters" command has the nice feature that in a time-series
context it makes it possible to have multiple plots of series against
time. But I find the word "scatters" completely unintuitive, arguably
misleading, and I'm surprised every time I read it in somebody's code.
Can we have a time-series-ish alias for that use case?
1 year, 11 months