issues with panel sample adjustment in the GUI
by Sven Schreiber
I'm observing something strange working with the grunfeld.gdt sample
datafile in the GUI. This is with the latest Windows snapshot. The
dataset has units 1 to 10, and time periods 1935 through 1954, so T = 20
(fully balanced).
I go to Sample / Set range; it shows N=10, T=20, NT=200. OK.
I click on the "down" arrow next to the end period 1954, to leave out
the last year. The number jumps to 1953 alright, but now it says T=18
(two down). When I click on "up" to get back to 1954, then T=19 allegedly.
Next, different but related problem (having freshly reloaded the
dataset): in the sample range setter, I now click "up" next to the
_starting_ period 1935 to get rid of the first time period. It changes
to 1936, but the count T=20 doesn't change. And after clicking "OK" the
sample isn't changed.
Finally, in the console I type "smpl year > 1935 --restrict --time"
without having checked the required syntax, and gretl crashes on me. (I
now know it's not correct; instead "smpl 1936 1954 --time" works OK.)
1 year, 9 months
join gdt-file: series description gets lost
by Artur T.
Hi all,
I stumbled probably over some bug when joining a series.
When appending a gdt-dataset, the description of a series gets shipped.
However, when joining a series, this meta-information gets lost.
Here an example:
set verbose off
nulldata 3
series y = normal()
setinfo y --description="Some desciption of y"
store "foo.gdt"
# Works: description for y is shipped
nulldata 3
series x = normal()
append foo.gdt
# Failed: description for y is missing
nulldata 3
series x = normal()
join foo.gdt y
This is with latest git on linux.
1 year, 10 months
'catch' and error messages
by Sven Schreiber
I'm wondering why sometimes there exist informative error messages but
it doesn't seem easy to catch them. Here's a concrete (and
real-world-inspired) use case:
? m = feval("haha")
haha: function not found
That's exactly the right error message! However, now I try to retrieve
that programmatically:
? catch m = feval("haha")
? eval errmsg($error)
Datenfehler # ( = data error)
This is much less useful. Could the precise message be pushed through to
the error? Hm, I guess there aren't that many formally encoded error
And BTW, here's a different and a little ironic example:
? m = I(2,3,4)
I: zuviele Argumente # (= too many arguments)
? catch m = I(2,3,4)
I: zuviele Argumente
? eval errmsg($error)
Befehl hat zu wenige Argumente # (= command with too *few* arguments)
So there's a nice contradiction... In addition, I see that even the line
with 'catch' does print out the error, whereas I expected it to be
silent in that case, no?
(I also thought that maybe my German translation was simply wrong and
switched to English. I still got "Command has insufficient arguments"
for the errmsg.)
This is with the March 30th snapshot on Win10.
1 year, 10 months
problem installing package on virtual CLI Linux
by Sven Schreiber
I'm getting this weird reaction from gretl which I'm running on an
Ubuntu 22.04 installation in the Windows subsystem for Linux, so a
virtual thing. This is a non-GUI installation. As you can see, the gretl
version is 2022a, and when trying to install the parallel_func package
gretl tells me I need...: 2022a!
What's going on?
svetosch@<PC>:~$ gretl
gretl version 2022a
Copyright Ramu Ramanathan, Allin Cottrell and Riccardo "Jack" Lucchetti
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Current session: 2023-04-02 17:00
"help" gives a list of commands
Type "open filename" to open a data set
? pkg install parallel_func
download: gfn suffix but not XML
parallel_func.gfn requires gretl 2022a
? pkg install parallel_func.gfn
download: gfn suffix but not XML
parallel_func.gfn requires gretl 2022a
1 year, 10 months