embedded console as default
by Sven Schreiber
Hi again,
I've been using the "embedded console" feature setting for quite a while
now, and like it a lot. When installing gretl on a new system together
with a colleague, I was reminded that the console is not embedded by
default. So the first impression when starting up gretl (at least on
Windows) is that you get a very white and very empty window, which did
not impress the colleague very much, to be honest.
So what about switching the default to have the console embedded?
One further thought to make the initial window "less empty" in an easy
way: why not have an initial greeting message in the GUI console,
similar to what gretl does on a "real" console in the CLI. Something like:
Welcome to gretl 2023b
User guide and further documentation under the Help menu
See Help > About gretl for copyright and license information
Load a dataset under File > Open Data
1 year, 5 months
GUI: sorting possibility, visual indication
by Sven Schreiber
I'd like to ask why in the GUI main window the sorting "arrows" in the
columns are only shown after the user has already sorted stuff. I
understand that the arrow gives an indication of the current sorting
criterion (which column, and up or down); as shown in the attached
screenshot arrow.png, after I have clicked on the Description column
("Beschreibung" in German).
However, when I start up gretl and open a datafile, no such sorting
indication is shown initially, see screenshot noarrows.png. I would
argue that because of that for unexperienced users it's not so clear
that sorting in the GUI list is possible. And there _is_ a default
sorting order applied, namely by ID#. -- Actually, it turns out that the
arrow is only shown in the ID column if the sorting is reversed, not by
default. I guess it's not a bug but intended, but I'd like to suggest to
always show such an arrow.
1 year, 5 months
doc for bin2dec and dec2bin
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
I just realised that two functions that we added in February 2022
(namely bin2dec and dec2bin) were never documented, although they'd been
available since 2022b.
I wrote some documentation (comments are welcome). My question is: these
functions are nowhere mentioned in the Changelog. Should ve add them to
the 2022b entry, or to the entry for the current git version?
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
1 year, 5 months
MPI strange warning
by Marcin Błażejowski
I noticed that whenever I call gretlmpi in shell [via '(mpiexec)
gretlmpi' or 'gretlcli -b some_mpi_code.inp'] I get several lines of
"Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified", which
is not gretl related. What I found on Internet is that it is quite
common bug(?) in last OpenMPI releases (I'm using 4.1.5-3 from Debian
Did you experience something similar?
Marcin Błażejowski
1 year, 5 months