problem building function packages with superfluous spaces in spec file
by Sven Schreiber
could it be that gretl chokes a little when in the .spec file of a
function package the public functions are separated by more than one space?
Working on the SVEC_GUI package, I see there was (has been forever?) a
double blank in the line:
public = GUI_SVEC GUI_plot_SVEC # line already fixed now
When using gretlcli.exe (on Windows, obviously) to build the package, I
don't get an error message, but I don't get the message "validated
successfully" either, and the resulting gfn file appears to be broken.
Deleting the second space character seems to solve the issue.
This is with brand new gretl 2024a.
10 months, 1 week
matrix to scalar comparison operator
by Sven Schreiber
consider the following operations/evaluations:
? = I(2) > 0
? = I(2) >= 0
? = I(2) > -1
It looks as if the non-dotted greater-(equal)-than operator between a
matrix and a scalar behaves as if it checked every possible element-wise
comparison to obtain the scalar result. In other words, it does
"is-everything-greater-than?". However, I couldn't find any mention of
this in the guide, whereas of course the element-wise dotted version is
explained. Is the non-dotted action intended/supported/official?
10 months, 3 weeks