Hi again,
I've stumbled over a certain behavior with panel data handling, which
could perhaps be a bug. However, it turned out that when I closed and
restarted gretl, the problem went away. It looks as if it could be
relevant that the panel datafile is a subset that was saved as a gdt
file as the result of earlier manipulation, and continuing to work with
the reduced dataset without starting a new gretl session. My suspicion
is that gretl wasn't able to fully and cleanly switch over to the
reduced dataset that was created and retained.
I know that the problem is therefore quite subtle and probably not
directly reproducible. Nevertheless, let me show below what happened in
the console. Maybe it's still useful for something.
The dataset is monthly in the time dimension and recognized as such by
gretl, n=1..435 and t=2023:01..2023:12. (N*T = 5220) Missings are
present somewhere in most of the included variables.
? smpl full
Voller Datenbereich: 1:01 - 435:12 (n = 5220) # correct and expected
? =isdummy(ichk)
5208 # 'ichk' has 5220-5208 = 12 zeros, namely
for all 12 months of unit 205, so correct
? smpl ichk --dummy
Voller Datensatz: 5220 Beobachtungen
Aktuelle Stichprobe: 1:01 - 372:12 (n = 4464) # ???? why are almost 800
obs discarded ???
? smpl full
Voller Datenbereich: 1:01 - 435:12 (n = 5220) # going back to full
sample to try again
? smpl ichk==1 --restrict # this formulation should be equivalent to
the --dummy option above
Voller Datensatz: 5220 Beobachtungen
Aktuelle Stichprobe: 1:01 - 434:12 (n = 5208) # expected sample
restriction, one unit with 12 months removed
? smpl full
Voller Datenbereich: 1:01 - 435:12 (n = 5220)
? =sum(missing(ichk)) # indeed, the dummy variable ichk has only 0 and
1, no missings