Allin Cottrell schrieb:
On Fri, 1 Jan 2010, Gordon Hughes wrote:
> The revised version of the BigCrush test suite has now completed on
> my Linux system. It reports no failures and CPU time of 32 hours
> 13.5 mins. This is a little under 9% longer than the execution time
> for the Voss 24-bit version of the ziggurat.
That's good news, thanks.
The 64bit test is now up and running again in a VM on the Ram-upgraded
Mac Mini, looking good so far. The glibtest program seemed to be using a
max of 600-700 MB memory for some tests, so having a total of 1GB Ram
(for the VM) seems advisable. BTW, let me use this opportunity to say
that the Mac that is producing this public good of applied research is
courtesy of Goethe University Frankfurt :-) (not the RAM upgrade though...)