Am 26.04.2021 19:44 schrieb Sven Schreiber:
I remember there was a similar problem recently with a gnuplot dialog:
On a Linux Budgie desktop system on a 15 inch Laptop screen (not very
high definition/resolution) I couldn't see nor move the buttons of the
main gretl settings dialog to be visible on screen. This is not the
latest gretl version here (instead some post-2020e git state I
but I guess this hasn't changed recently (?). The window is simply too
tall with the otherwise standard settings, and the top edge of the
window cannot be moved up to make the bottom visible instead.
Not sure if it's a problem with Budgie's and or GTK's window manager
logic or something that falls in the area of gretl's responsibility.
Hi, I remember that I experienced a similar thing half a year ago or so
using either the xfce or openbox window manager. But I cannot provide
more details on that now.