I would like to commit the .po file for myself (to learn the
process), but I think I don't have access to change (upload) files on
gretl's CVS. So, I going to send you by e-mail, ok?
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)> wrote:
On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, Henrique wrote:
> I already fix the problems...
> Média var. dependente 0.004595 D.P. var. dependente 0.041708
> Soma resíd. quadrados 0.227919 E.P. da regressão 0.037625
> R-quadrado 0.196207 R-quadrado ajustado 0.186222
> F(2, 161) 19.65016 P-valor(F) 2.31e-08
> Log da verossimilhança 306.7418 Critério de Akaike -607.4836
> Critério de Schwarz -598.1840 Critério Hannan-Quinn -603.7083
> rô 0.365419 Durbin-Watson 1.260998
> What dou you think? I liked very much! But now, what I have to do? I
> have the .po file and the .mo file (tested on my Mac and PC) working
> fine.
Looks good to me! Just commit your current .po to CVS (or email
it to me and I'll commit it).
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