No problem, I wasn't necessarily trying to get you to do the work
(although I wouldn't have minded ;-) -- but could you give a quick
indication of how much work this first stage is? Is it a one-page
proposal or what? I simply have no idea.
Talha Yalta schrieb:
Hi Sven. Thanks for reminding about this issue but I am a bit
discouraged from last year. Besides, things are going pretty hectic
this semester. Maybe next year?
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> it's a little late, but it seems that there is one day left to propose
> projects for the Google summer of code. I think Talha started an
> initiative last year, maybe we should try again this year?
> After Jack said that he wanted to have more (G)ARCH variants this year
> for a relatively big release it occurred to me that maybe that's what
> gretl could propose as a project.
> I tend to think that the marketing would be relatively easy given that
> ARCH won a Nobel prize and that those tools are not only of interest to
> scientists or crazy macroeconomists, but to an entire industry (although
> I would like to see the financial industry shrink and deflate, but
> that's another story).
> As I said, it appears to be quite late. Talha, do you think it's crazy
> to try to meet the deadline? Personally I would be relatively free
> tomorrow and could do some writing, but I don't have any idea about the
> amount of work involved at this stage.
> thanks,
> sven
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