On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, Henrique wrote:
I already fix the problems...
Média var. dependente 0.004595 D.P. var. dependente 0.041708
Soma resíd. quadrados 0.227919 E.P. da regressão 0.037625
R-quadrado 0.196207 R-quadrado ajustado 0.186222
F(2, 161) 19.65016 P-valor(F) 2.31e-08
Log da verossimilhança 306.7418 Critério de Akaike -607.4836
Critério de Schwarz -598.1840 Critério Hannan-Quinn -603.7083
rô 0.365419 Durbin-Watson 1.260998
What dou you think? I liked very much! But now, what I have to do? I
have the .po file and the .mo file (tested on my Mac and PC) working
Looks good to me! Just commit your current .po to CVS (or email
it to me and I'll commit it).