I'm noticing that the plain cholesky-based C matrix which is stored
after 'var' estimation in $system.C is not square. For example
estimating a 2-dim VAR with 2 lags I get a 4x2 matrix there; however the
bottom half is just zero, and the top is equal to cholesky($sigma) alright.
It seems to come from VAR_allocate_cholesky_matrix in lib/src/var.c,
where we have:
n = var->neqns * effective_order(var);
var->C = gretl_zero_matrix_new(n, var->neqns);
So the number of rows is indeed chosen as dim x lagorder which explains
my row number 4 above - but this doesn't make any sense, does it?
(Internally it doesn't seem to do any harm since the bottom is then not
used apparently. But it surfaces in the $system bundle as a weird thing.)
Maybe after release we could experiment with just dropping the lower
half and see if it still works...