the last time that we talked about making gnuplot 5 mandatory for gretl
seems to have been half a year ago (see thread "point size in gnuplot"
later renamed to "dashed lines").
What about making concrete plans for the switch? The first Ubuntu
version to have a gnuplot5 package is now 1,5 years old.
(If you care about my reason for pushing: I would like to see gretl
handing the data over to gnuplot in the "multiple-columns-side-by-side"
format that gnuplot 5 apparently adopted following Allin's suggestion.
It would then be much easier to tweak the appearance of plots beyond the
subset functionality that is directly supported by gretl.
Of course that requires changes in gretl, too. Jack had said that gretl
could be clever and check for the gnuplot version, but IMHO such a
complication wouldn't be worth the effort.)