1) Thank you for BIGGER_H 2) OK Now I know where tiny abs(x)*sqrt($macheps) for x's
near zero are better: x^alpha, alpha<1 Now I can use such way around: use quality 1 for
powers<1 near zero and quality 2 for the rest Oleh P.S. I was surprised to see such
established thing as Minpack does the way it does. I think, the legacy code must contain
something better. Of course, the problem is closed for the time being.
30 грудня 2015, 20:38:25, від "Allin Cottrell" < cottrell(a)wfu.edu >:
On Wed, 30 Dec 2015, oleg_komashko(a)ukr.net wrote:
Our "quality 0" is the standard Minpack code, I don't think we want
to mess with it. (But we may decide it shouldn't be the default.)