On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> On the other hand, I accept that it's of questionable
> usefulness on Windows, where most users won't know what the
> CWD is when they launch gretl (and won't even have any means
> of finding out, short of typing "set" in the gretl console).
Exactly. For example, for my current setup it seems to be
"e:\iwonttellyouthepath" but I don't have any idea where that
comes from or how to change the corresponding windows setting.
(It's _not_ in the gretl preferences, and it's _not_ the current
setting for "My Documents"
You wouldn't really expect it to be related to either of those
things. You can control it, if you wish, by opening the
properties of the gretl program icon and specifying a start-up
> 3. That leaves the question of what the "working
> should default to on first-time installation, i.e. before
> "currdir" has been set. Here are some options:
> On Windows: the Desktop, MYDOCUMENTS, MYDOCUMENTS/gretl, ??
I don't care much because I would change it right away anyway,
but <the localized/generalized version of> MYDOCUMENTS
immediately comes to (my) mind.
By "MYDOCUMENTS" I really meant whatever is returned using
CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS with SHGetFolderPath (win32 API), and similarly
for all uppercase paths.