Am 26.03.2014 22:13, schrieb Evgenii Gilenko:
Unfortunately, I’ve discovered a problem with importing data from a
CSV file to a gretl data file.
Specifically, when I try to import daily data from a CSV file (I
attach the CSV-file to this letter), I receive the following:
For some reasons gretl cuts off the first digit of the date in the
“first row label” line (I stressed in red).
I’m using gretl of version 1.9.14. I tried on version 1.9.13 – the
same problem.
But, on version 1.9.12 there was no such problem with importing data
from the attached CSV file – I double-checked it.
Problem confirmed on Windows.
Perhaps it's related to this thing that was changed in 1.9.13 (from the
"- CSV importer: ignore leading byte order mark"
Right now I don't remember why that was done, but probably for a good
reason :-)
I noticed that your file from the list seems to have "unixy" line
endings (LF, or \n), provided the mailing list transmission hasn't
changed this. When I changed them to windowsy endings (\r\n, with the
SciTE editor), the import into gretl works nicely, so that's your
workaround. (File with transformed line endings attached.)