Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti schrieb:
On Wed, 2 Apr 2008, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a relatively complicated bootstrap script which works with
> 1.7.3 (I just re-confirmed this) but stops working with 1.7.4. Gretl
> 1.7.4 just hangs (becomes unresponsive forever, like being in an
> infinite loop) and has to be killed by the OS. All this is on Windows
> XP, I cannot test on Linux before the weekend (if that's needed).
> I haven't had time to pin down the bug yet, but I suspect it may have
> to do with the 'resample' changes that were introduced in 1.7.4. I'm
> using the resample command with matrices (well, the pre-1.7.4 usage).
> I haven't tested a recent snapshot yet, should I? I may be able to
> test some more this afternoon (Central European time).
Debugging something like this is most likely near-impossible unless you
provide a testcase. The smaller, the better.
Yeah I know, but it's not so easy. I haven't been able to find a
stripped-down testcase so far; however, I have some more information on
my case -- sorry for the longish explanation, but that's all I can come
up with. I could prepare a non-stripped-down testcase tomorrow if that's
The framework I'm using is a main file ("frontend") in which there is a
call to a function that resides in a second script file ("backend",
which in turn calls other functions in the same file, but that seems
irrelevant here).
The crucial part of the frontend is:
include permaconftestbackend.inp
set stopwatch
list results = pconfbackend(endo,rexo,uexo,cirank,lagorder,determcase, \
and the backend ends with:
return list results
end function
The backend includes a 'resample' command among many other things, but
I found out by testing that the backend actually seems to run just fine
until the very end of the function; i.e. when I augment the backend with
debugging code like so:
return list results
funcerr "so until the end?"
end function
the code executes and I get the expected error message that I defined in
the funcerr statement.
First conclusion: The 'resample' command in the backend doesn't seem
responsible for the hanging.
But when I remove the funcerr statement from the backend, and instead
add something similar to the frontend right after the function call,
like so:
include permaconftestbackend.inp
set stopwatch
list results = pconfbackend(endo,rexo,uexo,cirank,lagorder,determcase, \
funcerr "something totally different?"
then gretl hangs (1.7.4, not 1.7.3) and the 'funcerr' statement is never
Second tentative conclusion: The problem seems to be either the passing
of result lists from function to caller, or maybe something more
general/subtle about the function calling mechanism. Or is it the genr
BTW, during debugging (using a bunch of 'funcerr' statements), I
stumbled over other quirks:
1) At some point I got an error saying "IF depth exceeded" or something
like that. Now I don't nest that many IF blocks, so I guess this
happened because I repeatedly interrupted functions in the middle of IF
blocks by using 'funcerr'. But that suggests that some "stacks" (or
whatever they're called) are not properly cleaned up when a function
exits with an error -- gretl is accumulating all the IF stuff of the
past, if you know what I mean.
2) For weeks now I have often got errors about allegedly "missing values
found" which were all bogus. These errors are not robust in the sense
that just re-running the affected scripts will sometimes solve the
problem. Or sometimes some trivial things like changing a line and
changing it back are necessary to solve it. But that's why it's also
very difficult to provide testcases (and which is also the reason why I
haven't reported it before). Maybe another temporary-memory-stack
problem in the background?
Thanks for reading until the end!