a colleague asked me about a non-convergence problem with his
application of the SVAR package. I can replicate the error, which gives:
Das Konvergenzkriterium wurde nicht getroffen
*** error in function estC
catch scalar ll = NRmax(theta, "loglik(&theta, &dat,
"scoreC(&g, &theta, &dat)",
"PseudoHessC(&H, &theta, &dat)")
called by function SVAR_estimate
Fehler bei Skriptausführung: Stopp
SVAR_estimate(&Mod,1) # 1 = not quiet
(BTW, this is a type-2 "C" model call, if you want to pinpoint the exact
line in the code that is called.)
Sorry for the German, but this actually gave me a thought here: the
error message ("convergence criterion not met", in German) comes from an
internal function because it is translated. I assume it's from NRmax(),
but then I wonder: isn't Jack's use of 'catch' supposed to suppress this
error message or at least suppress the interruption?