On Fri, 13 Feb 2015, Logan Kelly wrote:
Using the latest snapshot on Win 7 64 bit I have found a possible
bug in the GUI.
When copying and pasting RTF from the output of the Test Statistics
Calculator into MS Word 2013 you get the following
{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq1\fcharset1 Courier New;}} [...]
Logan, are you quite sure that's with a current snapshot? I ask
because a couple of weeks ago I fixed a bug that would account for
what you saw. And today I tried doing as you did (copied output from
the stats calculator into Word 2013, on Windows 8) and couldn't
replicate the problem, the RTF came out correctly.
If this really is a current snapshot, could you tell us _exactly_ what
you did to copy the text? There may be some subtle difference that I'm
missing. (In my case I used the copy button on the toolbar in the
output window and selected the RTF option; I also tried via Ctrl-C.)