On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, Allin Cottrell wrote:
[ in response to Ignacio's observation that a two-panel
gretl/gnuplot graph was displaying incorrectly, with the top title
missing or incomplete, when using the x86 gnuplot 4.5 (cvs) binary
for Linux that is available via the gretl website ]
Maybe a fix was applied in gnuplot CVS between the build I made
for gnuplot-4.5-i586.tar.gz and the version I have on my
machine. I'll try updating the binary package. (I'll let you
know when there's a new build ready.)
This seems to be the answer: it was a gnuplot bug that has been
fixed since I built that package. There's now a replacement
binary package available:
and the page
is updated accordingly.