On 06.06.22 22:33, Cottrell, Allin wrote:
Here's what I found: gretl's (SVD) rank() agrees with the
rank values shown in the database. So do the results of counting
abs(R[i,i]) values from QR, provided the minimal value is in the range
1.0e-10 to 1.0e-8. Plain QR and QR with column pivoting produce the
same "revealed rank" in all cases. The illustrative min(R) of 1.0e-12
used upthread seems a bit too small: it gives a numerical rank
slightly greater than the "official" value for 3 of the 5 specimen
matrices. (Internally, we use R_DIAG_MIN = 1.0e-8.)
Thanks, Allin, that's good to know. But the (repeated) unit vector case
does not seem totally irrelevant for econometrics and the dropcoll
function, thinking of impulse dummies for example. Maybe your hunch
provides a useful heuristic: only use column-pivoting if there's a row
of zeros. (Plus the precheck for all-zeros.)
OTOH, I ran some very crude and simple speed comparisons between
qrdecomp with and without pivoting (on Linux, current git), and
depending on the input the advantage could go either way it seemed,
which I found a little surprising. But then I also ran SVD on the same
input (and also grabbing the optional output), and that went even
faster, so now I'm puzzled... isn't SVD supposed to be the most
expensive thing of the candidates? What am I missing?