Am 29.04.2017 um 15:23 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
Well, right now ',' is the unique, definitive argument
Implementing either of the above would mean defining a new internal
type, namely an "argument-pair", plus a new operator, "pair-joiner".
Also, since every printable, non-alphanumeric ASCII symbol is already in
use as an operator of some kind in hansl, there would be a potential
collision problem. Too expensive, I think.
OK, fair enough. I guess for visual structuring one could simply use
whitespace, as in:
bundle b = defbundle("eins",1, "zwei",2)
BTW a follow-up question: Would defbundle(eins,1) also be legal? I mean
in the same way that both b.eins and b["eins"] are legal expressions for
the bundle memmber "eins"?