working with flatten() and msplitby(), I'm noticing the following:
- By default, flatten() works horizontally, but msplitby() vertically
(rows). Ok it's too late to change any defaults, but actually msplitby()
currently doesn't do horizontally at all. (Yes, I know I can transpose
and re-transpose, but that's exactly what I call a "quirk".) Maybe an
optional arg could be added there as well, like flatten() has?
- For some easy operations, msplitby() is quite complicated. For
example, if I have 2000 rows and want to turn that into 1000 matrices
with 2 rows each, then AFAIK I have to define the assignment vector as
follows: seq(1,1000)' ** ones(2). (Please correct me if there's a simple
way I'm missing.) Instead I think for such even splits it should be as
straightforward as writing: msplitby(m, 2). Maybe such a scalar argument
could be allowed in non-ambiguous cases?