Am 23.03.2016 um 10:27 schrieb Artur T.:
Hi Sven,
a while ago I uploaded the package "plot_ts_y2axis" which you may check.
It is uses a very simple example.
Actually, I have started to compile a kind of "plotting-library" which
comprises different scripts calling gnuplot for specific purposes in
flexible manner, e.g. draw scatter/time-series plots with 2-axis, adjust
different things easily like labels, line width etc., draw shaded
regions, draw contour plots etc.
I think it would be worth if we could collect such user-written scripts
for a function package which acts similar to a plotting-library.
Yes and no. Of course it's great if people share their work. But I'm not
sure if the function package interface is well suited for these plotting
tasks. I could easily imagine that it's confusing for people not that
familiar with gretl (and its history) if some plotting details have to
be done in a totally different way.