On Tue, 14 Jul 2009, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
> I just tried the new Rlib thing on one of Lee Adkins'
> (
http://www.learneconometrics.com/gretl/ebook.pdf) examples;
> attached you'll find a simple script and the dataset to
> replicate Lee's section 16.9.2 (coditional logit). A couple of
> things that need to be fixed appeared when you use the new
> mechanism:
> 1) If you run the script through the GUI client, the output of
> the R foreign block isn't included in the output window; the cli
> client is ok.
When we run the R binary, we do so using glib's "spawn" mechanism,
which attaches pipes to the called program's standard output and
error output so that we can capture these in files and send them
where we wish. I have not figured out how we can do the
equivalent when calling libR. Sane libraries offer a reasonably
simple way of redirecting printed output, sometimes by passing a
printing-function pointer. I can't find this in libR. but maybe
that's my failing.