OK, here's my considered round-up. I'm thinking that a 1.8.3
release would be good soon, given the number of fixes we've racked
up to date, so that informs my perspective.
* sort-plus-dsort versus a single sort function with an optional
boolean argument to reverse the sort:
Ho-hum. On the one hand everyone knows that sorting can go two
ways, so the boolean option is reasonable. On the other hand, we
have dsort as a separate function historically and does saving one
place in the function namespace merit backward incompatibility?
* mreverse-with-boolean versus rreverse plus creverse:
Again, ho-hum. IMO the specialized nature of this function (we
managed without it for quite some time) means that we're OK with
the boolean switch.
Next, I take it that we don't really want to replace all the
existing m*/r* and *m/*r matrix-function pairs with single
functions having an extra row/column boolean argument. (If we do,
it won't be in gretl 1.8.3!)
Alright, that leaves the pergm() function, which has been added in
CVS since gretl 1.8.2 (so that I can't appeal to history). I think
I hear Jack wanting less options/arguments (scrap the optional
Bartlett window size), and Sven wanting more arguments (add a
parameter to govern the number of rows in the output matrix).
Here I'm tempted to propose the typical wretched British
compromise of leaving things as they are (Bartlett option present,
no other options available). Rationale:
* The Bartlett option may be worth keeping since it's not totally
trivial for the user to reconstruct (as Sven has said).
* But it is fairly trivial to sample the rows of the returned
matrix, if you happen to have a ginormous time series and want a
reduced spectrum matrix. The alternative involves some tedious
error-checking on whatever the user has thrown at us for the
number of rows to be returned. Coder to user: if you're smart
enough to be in the frequency domain, you ought to be smart
enough to figure it out yourself!