Dear Allin,
I think I'd found a problem in the Gretl session files. I'm saving
different kind of models inside a .gretl file (OLS, VAR, and ARIMA)
but she is saying that she can't rebuild some objects.
Using australia.gdt I'm estimating the following models:
ols E const PAU PUS --robust
var 4 PAU PUS E --robust
arima 1 0 1 ; 3
Looking further into the session.xml file (inside "teste.gretl" -
attached in this e-mail), I can see all my models:
<session-model name="Modelo 1" fname="model.1" type="1"
<session-model name="VAR 1" fname="model.2" type="3"
<session-model name="Modelo 2" fname="model.3" type="1"
Is this a bug?
Um abraço,
Henrique Andrade