On Fri, 18 Jul 2008, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
El Friday 18 July 2008 16:14:11 Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti escribió:
> What happens here is that the list X contains a variable whose name
> is "x". How is the ols command supposed to know the difference between the
> series _internally_ named x (argument 1) and the one passed via the list?
Umm , I see, gretl cannot distinguish. And what about giving an oportunity to
the function programmer to correct his proper errors? It is not enough with
giving a warning?
The way I see it, there is no "error". Once you write a function, that
function is expected to work whatever the names of its arguments are.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche