... AW: [Gretl-users] matrix rowname (without "s") similar
to colname; obs and functions
This thread is becoming quite complex. Maybe you could enter a short ticket
(bug or feature request, doesn't matter much) for this on the sourceforge
Hi there, I did now find the time to go through my many questions and your many answers
again, to do as Sven suggested (quote) and opened a few tickets.
However, I have some more general remarks on my recent experiences with bundles (which are
great!), which I guess are better posted here.
Consider a list C in bundle B which is again located in bundle A. At some point, when
passing a bundle by reference to a function and then passing a part of that bundle by
reference to another function, a list that was part of the bundle became undefined (the
lest went away). I cannot reproduce this and perhaps I remember wrong. However, a bit of
the story I can reproduce:
nulldata 100
series A = normal()
list L = A
bundle boo
bundle coo
boo.coo = coo
eval inbundle(boo,coo)
boo.coo.L = L
eval inbundle(boo.coo,L)
function void testA(bundle Bndl)
eval inbundle(Bndl,L)
#eval argname(Bndl.L[1]) #error
eval varname(Bndl.L[1]) #OK
end function
function void testB(bundle *Bndl)
eval inbundle(Bndl,L) #not OK
end function
testA(boo.coo) #OK
catch testB(&boo.coo) #not OK
Including lists within bundles allows to do operations like sampling and manipulating
series located outside the bundle (which is great!), also varname(C[1]) would return the
variable name of the first element in list C. So basically this is a way to pass a series
by pointer, which is very useful. Perhaps this should be mentioned in the references?