Dear Allin,
x = {1,1}'
eval numhess(x,(x'x))
eval fdjac(x,(x'x))
Thank you!!!
As for me, my problem is 100% solved!
2) I think its a very good idea
to consider grad and Hessian via
complex numbers
The formula is trivial, one step
dy/dx ~ Im((y(x0)-y(x0+i*eps))/eps)
The trick is in that the preciseness
does not depends on real x!
So eps ~ 3*10^-16!
clib contains all elementary
functions of complex argument.
To make it fully functional
it is sufficient to find a c code
for normal cdf for complex
argument and basic matrix
operations for complex arguments.
If it could be realized in c
sufficiently quickly it would be
a real bomb: no need for
automatic/symbolic differentiation!