Am 12.11.2014 um 20:03 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Wed, 12 Nov 2014, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Am 09.11.2014 um 21:24 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
>> There are a couple of aspects of the gretl GUI that have been
>> bothering me: (1) the matter of what should happen to the output when
>> you execute a script and there's already a script output window open;
>> and (2) the matter of auto-showing, or not, the "icon view" window
>> when something happens that might be of interest in "icon" terms.
> ...
>> (a) "Huh, gretl just trashed my last output!"
>> (b) "It's confusing to have output pile up like that!"
>> (c) "Why does gretl keep opening all these damn windows?!"
>> So I wanted to make the choice more obvious. The default for a new
>> installation of gretl is now "none of the above", that is, an
>> value for this choice. And if the value is unset then the first time
>> the choice becomes relevant we pop up a version of the "push-pin"
>> dialog, with a note pointing out where you can change gretl's
>> behaviour in future.
> I've experienced it now and I think it's fine.
>> For existing gretl installations, if you just went with the default
>> value (c) that will now be taken as "unset" and you should see the new
>> dialog when you run a script with a script window open. If you already
>> changed the setting and you'd like to check out the new dialog you can
>> edit your ~/.gretl2rc file: set the variable "script_output_policy" to
>> 0. (Look for the "stickiness" line.)
>> # stickiness of output
>> script_output_policy = 0
> But does that mean there's no GUI way of going back?
Just a quick comment for now. There's no GUI way of going back to an
"unset" state for this preference. That only makes sense. But there is
a GUI way of changing the preference, namely the dialog that pops up
when you click the "push-pin" menubar button in a script output
Right, of course.