(Again, latest snapshot on windows.)
When I run the script below the first time (on a freshly started gretl)
it doesn't converge, and gretl tells me so. Fine.
(BTW, how can a user change the convergence criterion here, nls_toler
doesn't seem to apply?)
But when I run it again and again (silly I know), on the 3rd or 4th
attempt gretl crashes!
Is it leaking memory or what is it? If you need it of course I can also
send the datafile.
#set nls_toler 1e-8
scalar c1 = 1
scalar c2 = 1
scalar c3 = 1
scalar c4 = 1
scalar c10 = 1
series pisquare = ld_pbar^2
series dur = diff(ur_sa)
series dip = diff(ip_sa)
series dffr = diff(ffr)
series dtbill3 = diff(tbill3)
list myinstr = const ld_pbar(-1) ld_pbar(-2) pisquare(-1) pisquare(-2)
dur(-1) dip(-1) dffr(-1) dtbill3(-1)
matrix matinstr = { myinstr }
series myres = 0
matrix W = inv(matinstr'matinstr)
series myres = -(-rpiv + c10 + c1*rpiv(-1) + c2*(ld_pbar -
c3*ld_pbar(-1) - c4)^2)
orthog myres ; matinstr
weights W
params c1 c2 c3 c4 c10
end gmm