Hi Jack,
I don't know if this is a high enough priority to try fixing
then, but I've had an issue executing a Julia script from within
gretl. Disclosure: I only started trying to learn Julia yesterday, so
this may reflect my ignorance more than anything. Anyway, the script
is <Julila>
f(n) = (n>1 ? f(n-1)+n : n)
The following works here:
foreign language=julia
print(2+2, "\n")
f(n) = (n>1 ? f(n-1)+n : n)
end foreign
Yes, that works for me too and I can certainly work with that option. However as I
understand things it should also work to invoke Julia via gretl's Julia script window
-- am I mis-interpreting that? I seem to remember that gretl's Julia functionality
isn't as far along as say R.
Also, ctrl-r works in the hansl window but not in the Julia window (only the gear icon