Allin Cottrell schrieb:
On Mon, 23 Nov 2009, Allin Cottrell wrote:
There's something strange going on with the handling of non-ascii
characters in the upload. The \"o in Breitung's first name is not
being recognized as valid UTF-8 once it gets to the server. For
the present I've fixed this by calling the poor fellow Jorg in
your help text. I'll see if I can find anything out about this
issue. Maybe we need to HTML-encode such characters on upload,
though I don't see why right off.
Maybe some http- or ftp-server is set to a different encoding, like
iso-western or so? Well, you know these things better than I do anyway...
I also noticed that the long dash in the page numbers (stemming from
copy&paste of the article's pdf file) isn't showing properly.