with respect to analyzing SVARs I've taken a relatively close look at
the (AFAIK quite recent) 'vars' package in R, and also read Jack's doc
on his preliminary gretl svar functions (well I also looked a little at
the functions themselves).
First of all, R's 'vars' package is quite complete and nicely
documented. So my first reaction is: don't bother with reinventing the
wheel yet again and point interested users to that package. I could also
write some wrapper functions (packages) to access them from the gretl side.
Two possible caveats:
1. Bootstrapping the impulse responses appears to be very slow in
R-vars. I compared (roughly) the same setup in Jmulti and in R-vars, and
Jmulti (Gauss in the background) was at least 10 times faster than
R-vars. (Admittedly I ran Jmulti on Windows on a different computer, but
the hardware specs are not too different and 9 seconds vs. 3 minutes is
drastic enough for me.)
2. R-vars relies on R-urca from the same author to specify the VECM (for
SVEC modeling), and AFAICS in R-urca it's not possible to place such
elaborate restrictions on the cointegration relations as gretl (remember
the Boswijk/Doornik paper) or Jmulti can do.
@1: In general I would tend to think it's better to help R-vars get
faster instead of developing a competing implementation. (Better to
collaborate than to multiply the needed efforts.) But I don't know if
that's feasible, I really don't know much about R or about the
implementation in R-vars. Also, since Jack has already done quite an
amount of work on this, gretl wouldn't start from scratch, so maybe
there wouldn't be that much duplicate effort (not counting the sunk
effort, of course).
@2: For me this seems a more serious issue, but that's of course driven
by my personal preferences. In my view modeling the cointegration space
properly for non-trivial setups often requires placing restrictions on
the cointegration space. So the fact that this feature is missing from
R-vars could be a reason to do a gretl-native implementation. (Not sure
wether native would necessarily mean c-coding though, pure gretl may be
enough?) OTOH, it could be argued that this is very specialized and
people should stick to Jmulti (or Anders Warne's SVAR program which
actually does much more than that). Jack, AFAICS your functions also do
not allow to do restricted VECMS, right?