Thanks very much Prof. Cottrell for the rapid fixes.
That's OK. The data are stored to at least 12 digits in the
ODS file, as you can see if you adjust the display format. We
don't pay attention to the fact that they are _formatted_ to
show only 3 digits.
I am confused. Being aware of the above, I had copied these
after first using the "=ROUND(x,3) command on the originals. In my
system, in libreoffice, I see the numbers with 3 decimal places even
if I reformat the cell to show 20 digits. Maybe this is a libreoffice
problem? But then again saving from libreoffice creates a correct csv
I can't replicate that, either using US letter-size paper or A4.
may be something to do with incompatible versions of LaTeX's
geometry.sty (grrr). If you could save the model table as TeX, run
pdflatex on it, and send me the PDF and the .log file, that might be
Saving the modeltable and running pdflatex created an empty page but
running latex replicated the problem. Please see the attached
test.tar.gz file.
OK, that's now done for the single-series summary statistics
window. It's more complicated for the multiple-series stats window,
given the existing (internationalized) formatting.
Thanks very much. Of course this
would be really useful if it worked
for multiple series. I think this basic feature needs to be eventually
implemented (hopefully before 2.0) but I also know there are other
things. Meanwhile could you add this to the correlation matrix window
Finally, the tab labels for new scripts show "Untitled" although I
remember translating an "Untitled" string. Is this something else that
will be marked for translation later?
“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made
in a very narrow field.” - Niels Bohr (1885-1962)