Am 13.07.19 um 17:38 schrieb Sven Schreiber:
with the latest snapshot I have the following strange error (when trying
stuff with Artur's json transfers):
internal genr error: aux node mismatch
*** error within loop in function gbundle2json
> string typ = typestr(typeof(b[key]))
This looks similar to what I experienced a while ago. Actually, Allin
fixed this -- if I remember correctly.
I couldn't prepare a minimal example, sorry, it seems subtle. But
line happens inside a loop which changes 'key', and the loop is inside a
function receiving the bundle 'b' as an argument. It stumbles over the
bundle member "a", and the corresponding value is the string
But -just found out- that the error goes away if I do b["@key"] instead.
I remember that Allin called this "bad syntax" ;-) Here is the thread: