On Sun, 28 May 2017, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
On Sun, 28 May 2017, Marcin Błażejowski wrote:
> Ok, so do we known the theshold for staying at find_0 approach and
> switching to loop-based approach?
It's very likely to depend on many factors, such as the hardware and the OS,
i presume.
Ok, two more things on this: (1) it turn out that if you combine the
matrix-based algorithm with a divide-and-conquer strategy you do get some
improvement. (2) The timings of the loop-based versions depend heavily on
how many different values are contaned in the column to be serched: this
is the scalar called H in the script below. Have fun.
set verbose off
function scalar find_0(const matrix a, scalar column, scalar target)
n = rows(a)
c = a[,column] .= target
if maxc(c) == 0
return NA
c = selifr(seq(1,n)', c)
return c[1,1]
end function
function scalar find_1(const matrix a, scalar column, scalar target)
#n = rows(a)
chk = 0
i = 1
loop while !chk --quiet
chk = a[i++,column] == target
return i-1
end function
function scalar find_2(const matrix a, scalar column, scalar target)
n = rows(a)
loop for i=1..n --quiet
if (a[i,column] == target)
index = i
return index
end function
function scalar find_3(const matrix a, scalar column, scalar target)
n = rows(a)
h = floor(n/2)
c = find_0(a[1:h,column], 1, target)
if ok(c)
return c
c = find_3(a[h+1:,column], column, target)
return c
end function
n = 50000
H = 450 # try different values here
a = mrandgen(i,1,H,n,2)
column = 1
rep = 2000
u = mrandgen(i,1,H,n,1)
set stopwatch
loop i=1..rep
find_0(a, column, u[i])
t0 = $stopwatch
loop i=1..rep
find_1(a, column, u[i])
t1 = $stopwatch
loop i=1..rep
find_2(a, column, u[i])
t2 = $stopwatch
loop i=1..rep
find_3(a, column, u[i])
t3 = $stopwatch
print t0 t1 t2 t3
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)