Am 18.12.2007 21:47, Allin Cottrell schrieb:
On Tue, 18 Dec 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> I deleted Apple's fake readline symlink (in /usr/lib I think it was) and
> did
> export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/sw/lib"
> after installing the fink readline packages, but before configuring gnuplot
> (w/o the above "builtin" flag). Then make and make install seemed to go
> through.
The "builtin" flag wasn't respected? That sounds like a gnuplot
configure bug; maybe it's fixed in CVS.
The configure output looked like it was respected, but that didn't work.
Sorry, that was a mess. For both gretl and gnuplot the "prefix"
should be .../ the files go into
subdirectories of that folder named bin, lib, share and so on.
> BTW, I should also mention that I couldn't install packages gmp3
> and mpfr, fink didn't know about them.
Try just "gmp" and "gmp-shlibs".
yes I already had that
Maybe mpfr is rolled into that? Anyway, it's not essential.
but apparently it's there judging from gretl's configure output
(see other mail for next problem)