On Thu, 11 Feb 2021, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Am 11.02.2021 um 13:58 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2021, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> I've noticed that a couple of dialog windows for graphing only have
>> generic names. For example choosing Boxplot from the menu yields a
>> dialog which just says "gretl: define graph", and if you hadn't
>> Boxplot (and knew that you didn't miss) you wouldn't have any idea that
>> this is going to be a boxplot. In contrast, the Q-Q plot window has a
>> descriptive title -- is this coming from inside gui/library.c ?
> There's a little inconsistency here, but Q-Q plot seems to be the odd
> man out in having a specific window-title (versus "gretl: define
> graph"). In most cases the window-title is generic but the header line
> in the dialog is specific: "XY scatterplot", "factorized boxplot"
> so on. So it seems to me the best fix would be to give the boxplots
> dialog its own header, amend the QQ dialog header, and remove the
> specific window title for QQ. The headers are set in gui/selector.c,
> and the specific window-titles in gui/dialogs.c.
> If you open such a dialog you're presumably going to use it (or
> dismiss it) right away rather than "park" it by minimizing, so having
> a specific window title doesn't seem necessary, though having a
> specific header is useful confirmation that you clicked what you meant
> to click.
Yes, sounds good!
That's now in git. The other problem you mentioned (line-width of
the impulses in a discrete frequency plot getting broken on editing
of the plot) is also fixed in git.
>> BTW, let me mention also a different issue: when selecting
two series in
>> the main variable list this selection seems to be remembered for the
>> graph dialogs, but not when a single series is marked; one then has to
>> search and select again (inside the dialog).
> OK, but the working assumption is that for a single series you'd just
> use the context menu.
OK, but you don't get the boxplot in there, for example.
Hmm, I see a "Boxplot" option in the main-window context menu here.